Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Extended Inactivity

Hey! To the one person who reads this (most likely only me)

It's been over a month since I've posted anything on here. Sorry, been super busy! I've been filled with work these past few weeks, and I am finally able to breathe a tiny bit right now. Besides schoolwork I've been playing zombies with my girlfriend and friends. Stef and I got to round 32!!!!!! We could've kept going but we had been playing close to 4 hours, so we decided to call it a day. But one thing from that day was learned: pack a punched M16 is no play toy. The bullets are stronger than the RPK's (from what I observed) and it comes with a grenade launcher with 10 to launch. And you don't have to worry about ammo since you can just buy more off the wall.

OK, went on a tangent here, but I'm always trying to find new things to write about. If anyone wants me to write on something, just leave a comment!

PS That's Stef and I playing in the image :3

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Name Change: From flash to techy

Hi! Just wanted to comment quickly on my blog's url change. It used to be rabbitflash.blogspot.com and now it's techyrabbit.blogspot.com! I found rabbitflash to be a tad awkward when saying it aloud, or just reading it. Techyrabbit rolls off the tongue more naturally and I think it describes me more accurately. The techy part represents my nerdy self and my love for gadgets and technology. I'm always reading about tech and watching videos of new phones, cameras, consoles, etc. Expect to see posts about it on the future!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Day Back to School

Today was officially the end of my Christmas break and it was time to hit the books again. My break was great, got to spend a lot of time with my girlfriend, and we did a load of things together. I also accompanied her to get here license (congrats again Stef!). I also spent time with two of my best friends, Louis and Nelson. I see Louis regularly, but it was great seeing Nelson again because I don't get to see him much during the semester, and one of my regrets from high school was not hanging out with him more often. I'm trying to rectify that. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see my other best friend, Lucas, but some other time, buddy?

Back to the subject of school...it was pretty easy going. I had computer science in the morning and math in the afternoon. We basically just went over some stuff such as the syllabus. Finished my computer science assignment, which was just printing out one of my old program's source code along with the output. No homework for math. We're reviewing some topics from Calc I, so nothing serious yet. About to hit the hay, I have class tomorrow at 8:30 and I don't want to be dead or tardy. Goodnight people!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

My First Blog Post Ever!

Hi to anyone who may be reading this (Stef, I'm looking at you),

So...I've been wanting to start a blog for a while. Been trying to come up with a good title; as you can see, it was a failure. I also wanted an original link. Rabbitflash you ask? Well I love bunnies! As for the flash part, Kid Flash and Flash are two of my favorite super heroes, even though Spiderman is a close runner up, I've been using KidFlash and variants of it since '06, with the first time being on Nsider, my favorite forum of all time. I plan to do a post on a bunch of stuff, including some of the things mentioned in this one! I'm going to discuss some of thing things in my life, hobbies, future hobbies I want to get in to, my lovely girlfriend, etc. but this first post will just be kept concise. Check back soon, hopefully I'll get a good amount of readers! Unlikely and improbable, but as an unbridled cynic peppered with hints of idealism here and there, I'm going to hope you guys enjoy reading and that I get more readers!

See you soon,